Collection SMART
- Description
- Curriculum
Resource Details
Ebook les secrets de la gestion de argent Adrem
Liste de contrôle entreprise avec l’analyse SWOT Adrem
Modèle de Business plan Word à remplir Adrem
Grille de competences en processus RH adrem
Modèle de Demande de congé Adrem
Modèle de rapport sur le statut des salariés Adrem
Contrat de travail a duree indeterminee CDI en teletravail a temps ple
Lettre de rupture de période d essai
RH_GEST_COLL_XXX_entretien annuel forfait jours
RH_GEST_COLL_XXX_information Contrepartie obligatoire en repos
Exemple_Processus_RH_etapes Adrem
Module processus rh Adrem
Procedure ressources humaines adrem
Budget familial FR avec analyse Adrem
Business Budget FR Adrem
Calcul du Prix de revient du produit service Adrem
Cash Flow Template marketing ENG 4 years Adrem
Les plus utilisés KPI dans les business Adrem
Modèle de calcul point mort Adrem Consultant
Modèle de Rapprochement bancaire Adrem
Plan d’amortissement d’un pret Adrem Consultant
Plan financier complet-start up FR Adrem
Prévision de flux de trésorerie pour petite entreprise Adrem
Fidélisation des salariés par l’entreprise – Jean Luc Credin
Independance financiere – Thomas Lavoie
Keys to Success – Napoleon Hill
L-Entreprise Du 21e – Siecle R Kiyosaki
Les 10 etapes pour devenir independant financierement
L-Eveil de Votre Puissance Interieure – Anthony ROBBINS
Outwitting the Devil – Hill Napoleon
Parfaire le paritarisme par l independance financiere – Julien Damon
Pouvoir Illimite Tony Robbins
Tout Le Monde Merite d Etre Riche Olivier Seban
50 Exercices Pour Prendre La Parole en Public
Savoir s’affirmer en douze lecons
Regle d’or les lois du succes Napoleon Hill
Info resurse
Dear Student,
First of all, I would like to congratulate you for the decision you took to learn about the financial aspects, human resources management and administrative organization within your business.
Skills and knowledge are the most valuable tools in running a business and in your career.
But the working method is also a crucial aspect in generating profit, positioning on the market, removing the unknown and obtaining concrete results.
In this section we have grouped valuable materials (in french), which will help you look into the future, in terms of budgets and financial plans for a period of 3 years. Or to analyze your figures, to know what your expenses are, your profit and where you have to act, through commercial dashboards, cash flow and profit and / or loss account.
You will be able to establish and use key indicators (KPIs) to grow your business.
Constantly following the numbers and understanding what is beyond them, so that you can get where you want to go.
All in order to have control over money.
To change things now for near success!
You will have clarity and confidence in the decisions you make.
I have always said that human resource management guarantees the organic functioning of your business.
A motivated team, dedicated to your goals and with well-defined directions will lead to an efficient use of resources and a maximization of results.
Frame and track, form and reduce costs using procedures and processes, dashboards and KPIs.
And that’s not all: you’ll have a lot of material grouped around:
- personal development,
- organization and archiving,
- personal finance,
- entrepreneurship, etc.
These are a first investment passport to the next level, from not knowing at all or very little, to knowing where you are, where you would like to go and how to get there.
And all downloadable books are the most recommended by specialists, who will not only open your horizons, but will also change your mindset; moreover, they will even help you lay the foundations of your new skills.
They will take you out of your comfort zone and guide you in:
- setting goals and priorities,
- how to make money and keep it,
- to consolidate your business,
- leadership,
And the list goes on. And all in the same place and for UNLIMITED access!
BONUS : the templates are 100% customizable, you no longer have to pay for any password, have cells locked in Excel or only some of your tools are sold.
It is not a waste of time or money, but rather an arsenal of fighting competition and winning customers.
Be your own boss, independent, with controlled responsibilities and risks.
Act NOW, the market is constantly moving and so are we!
My promise is that every month I will add new materials, which will guarantee you a calmer daily life, with as few surprises as possible.
It is the price of a meal in the city with friends, but in fact it is a real long-term investment.
Can € 60 change your career as an entrepreneur? of seller or employee?
You are the answer!
You can change everything! Hard way or easy way!
I look forward to this information! I want you to progress faster than I or others have done!
For you freelancers or entrepreneurs, anyone who has problems managing or organizing this material will remove many of the bottlenecks you have and help you save time and money.
If these resources help you in your daily life, please leave us a review.
Any comments help us to improve.
For any questions or support in the application of these tools, I am waiting for you with a comment or a message.
Disclaimers: Purchased materials are examples, customizable templates. So, use them wisely and adapt them to the reality of your business. In addition, downloading them implies full acceptance of T&Cs and intellectual property rights. (in french)